This post, as foreshadowed in the post title, will be all about SNOWBALL (a.k.a. the excuse of a winter formal at my school. Pardon my bitterness, but I'm just following the guidelines of Teen Angst. Because, you know, we're all moody and stuff. Ooo, I've got the whole Normal Teenager concept totally down!)
Ohemgee, this is getting old now, but I must get this off my chest: JUDE LAW IS SOOO THE OBJECT OF MY AFFECTION. I just watched The Holiday, and am appalled to learn I just discovered his cuteness today.
And a one, and a two, and one two three! :
The outfit:
- dress: $4....yes, really! omg squeaaal. Bought it at a random little place in L.A. this summer.
- wetlook leggings: $5, Urban Outfitters
- velvet scarf: me mothers'.
- necklace: $10, Aldo, gifted....SHE IS SO BEAUTIFUL. Thanks Ruby! <3
- purse: gifted, Urban Behaviour.....ALSO A BEAUTY. Thanks Hiba! <3
- AND THOSE LUSTFUL SHOES: ....$5, Ross....So, I wore them shopping in Old Pasadena in California this summer---and got complimented by strangers on the street! I was gushing! They're just soooo delicious. I realized I don't have a picture that highlight their beauty completely, so I'll have to snap one later---USE YOUR IMAGINATION FOR NOW, KIDDOS.
GET CLOSER, babooshka.
Okay, so I'm not sure how the friendsies feel of having their piix on Internet Land--I mean, (I'm stumped, though, who DOESN'T want to increase their chances of having a registered sex offender track 'em online, I mean, GUFFAW)--so I've done a horrible job of blacking out their faces. It's scary. But in Hollywood, scary works.
OH NOES. A close up!? I hate 'em---but I was hoping to highlight my eye makeup. Booo, it didn't work---I SWEAr, MY EYES WERE MORE, "BAM!"
^Snowball, LAST YEAR! (2008)
- dress: Mariposa, $12
- striped shirt: je ne sais pas?
- purse: vintage!
- leopard print scarf: Motherina's!
Okay, now contrary to popular belief, I am a hardcore partyer. If the following fotos don't convince you, I don't know what will:
Okay, so I just hardcorely embarassed myself.
As I hide out for as long as humanely possible, I leave you with these words:
Until next time.