Ack, that's it. That's all the nerdy talk for this post. (ButanywaysIdidn'tdoanyhomeworktodayatallandIdidn'thaveto
To celebrate: I had a six-way convo with the BFF'S, (who I shall refer to as The Clan because that is also what we call ourselves), TOOK A NAP DURING DAYLIGHT HOURS, ate fattening foods (wait, that's a daily constant), read teenvogue, and YOUR blogs. ;) By YOUR, I mean, if YOU have a blog, whilst you are currently reading this blog, I read it. Uhm, what?
ANYWHOOOOOOO. Today at school, Shane Koyczan came to perform. HE'S A SLAM POET. HE'S BRILLIANT. Youtube him, he's great! I COULDN'T SEE HIM, 'CAUSE I COULDN'T SKIP BIOLOGY, boooo. Curse you biology teach! (Let us hope he does not read my blog. *shifty*)
ALSOOOOO, the American Apparel Rummage Sale is coming to Vancouver! OMG,OMG,OMG, I NEED to go as much as my sister feels the need to not shower! (A LOT).
FINALLLLY, CEHAP American Apparel. I die.
Still, anyone know of an effective way to scrape up some money in about a week? DO TELL.
Hmm, beacuse I feel like it, I shall reveal the songs that are on repeat on my source of a completely legal method of downloading music ;) :
- Ce Jeu - Yelle <-----she has such a cool sense of style; check out her vids! Plus, this song is sooo addictive.
- Haven't Met You Yet - Michael Buble <--------- SUCH A PERFECT SONG, NO JOKES.
- Dancing With Myself - Glee <------- I need to get a daily fix of this tune, SO HAPPY-HORMONES-INDUCING.
- metallic scarf - Ross, $8
- blazer - Dad's! ---> Love borrowing stuff from the 'ole parental units.
- red skinnes- Wet Seal, $15 (splurge! :O )
- belt- men's section from Warehouse One - $2.50 --->(I was ready to spend 5 bucks on it...gasp, I know, but it was 50% off of the already reduced item, so WOO).
- black patent sneaks- Ardenes, $2
- studded, patent bag - Mariposa, $10 (splurge! :O )